Friday, 11 June 2010

In Praise of Kristal Pharmacy

Several of the shops on Nunhead Lane are praised by the local inhabitants: Soper's fishmongers, Ayres the bakers (Master Bakers of Nunhead) in particular.  But today I want to reserve a little extra recognition for Kristal Pharmacy.  The emporium of everything. 

Last night my reading glasses broke (I've needed them for about 4 years, and I'm still not used to having them, and as a result I suspect I tend to abuse them a little), so I went in to the Waterloo station Boots to buy a replacement pair.  Tiny selection, average price thirty quid. 

Not a chance. 

Instead, I'll be in Kristal at the weekend, where the selection is wider, and the prices around a quarter of that. 

Shop on Nunhead Lane.  You know it makes sense.

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