Sunday, 14 August 2011

Paris 1: Notre Dame

The reason for a lack of posts in the second half of July is that we were on holiday in Paris.
We went out by Eurostar, which was fine.  But then the damn hotel we'd booked with (the Pavillon Republique les Halles just off of the Boulevard de Magenta) moved us to a different hotel in the same chain (because of 'flooding on the fifth floor' or some such problem). I have to say we thought they were lying, it was the weekend of the end of the Tour de France, and we suspected they had an overbooking problem. Anyway we ended up further out at the Pavillon Péreire Arc de Triomphe - which despite its name and their claims is not near the Arc.  It is out beyond Wagram, quite near the Peripherique.

So we ended up spending more money and time on the Metro than we intended, and our efficient detailed daily plans went out of the window.  Still, we did what we could and had fun.

The first day included a trip to Notre Dame.  I'd forgotten about the details of the frieze above the door:
Each person is judged, and those condemmed to Hell are led off to the right by a learing Devil, to suffer horrible tortures.
Although I think that the cathedral doesn't look its best from the front.  From other angles the fantastic, ornate flying butresses can be seen...
But who are these strange green beings?

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