Sunday, 4 September 2011

Paris 5: Jardin, Concorde, Orangerie

The day after the Tower, we had another wander.  First to the Jardin des Plantes...
and then on to the Museum of Paleontology and Comparative Anatomy ("Galerie de paléontologie et d'anatomie comparée ").  Marvellous.  One of those old-fashioned, resolutely unmodernised exhibitions.  It does what is claims, by displaying all the skeletons it has of every possible creature.   
My only question was - why are they all facing the same direction?  It is like they are marching off together.  Weird and unsettling.

And the entrance to the Museum houses this equally peculiar and unnerving statue:
Overtones of The Time Machine?  Morlocks vs Eloi...

Anyway, getting out to the Jardin in the sun was something of a relief.  We also visited the Grande Galerie de l'Évolution (mamzing, and somewhat vertiginous), and had bread and cheese sitting in the park, before heading to the Place de la Concorde.
The main point of which was that - while half of the family sat outside in the Tuileries - I got a chance to have a wander in the Orangerie...
 I really adore the Waterlillies - but the camera just doesn't do justice to them.

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