Sunday, 30 October 2011

Berlin 5: And Elsewhere

While we were in Berlin the riots were occurring in England.  My sister called to ask whether we were we OK (because Peckham was in flames) - which was the first we had heard of the rioting in S London.  Then we used the telly and Internet to see the videos of burning shops on Rye Lane. 

It was worrying to say the least, but there was little we could do apart from reassure the family that Berlin was not in flames, and so we seemed to be OK.

Then we went off to Hannover (friends) - where we had a nice noodle-y meal outdoors (street food I think) and Hamburg, where we went to see the BIGGEST MODEL RAILWAY IN THE WORLD.

 Set in a warehouse, in the somewhat gentrified docks area, this covers two whole floors, and is whopping.  Many countries are represented (not the UK, but many others), and there is a working airport.  Highly recommended.

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