Monday, 26 November 2012

Lizard Spock

This weekend we had a drink in the bland and faceless Rye Hotel.  Sitting next to us were a group playing Jenga.
The tower toppled; they rebuilt it ready for the next game.  And then, to choose who went first, they played ‘Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock’.  Imagine my surprise.
Now, I admit I intervened at this point, because I misremembered and thought there was a sixth option (as eldest says that wouldn’t be right, you ought to have an odd number).  So we had a brief debate.  Then they got back to their game.
They didn’t all go for Spock! 
But, unfortunately, they couldn’t remember all of the power relationships, so had to look up the helpful icon in the Wikipedia article on a smartphone, to check.
And for the record, here is the original…

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