Saturday, 7 February 2009

Nightime Snowscenes

As I think has been fairly obvious, it has snowed quite a bit recently. These images record the scenes on the first night of the snow around Nunhead. One of the things about the snowstorm, is that some shots are very clear, and the snow itself delineates objects (here, perhaps unsurpisingly, a tree) and makes them stand out more clearly.
In others, the falling flakes may well get in the way a little. I love the effect of the snow and sodium lights in these images:

I spent some time looking out at a set of gardens and the snow humped over the fences, trees and bushes:

Some of the shots appear almost black-and-white; they aren't, but the snow plus the night tend to bleach out the colours:

Back in the street, the snow storm had become far more intense...
This is the birch I photographed in the Summer:
...and back to gardens.

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