Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Blake, angels, etc

Last weekend I was at first sorely tempted by the idea of an event the Blake Society were holding on Peckham Rye.  It was a tree-planting ceremony, in memory of the story of the young William Blake seeing angels on the Rye - in "a tree filled with angels, bright angelic wings bespangling every bough like stars."

But it clashed with something else we had planned, so I hemmed and hawed (is that right?) - and when I thought further about it, I realised:
As far as I know the story of Blake seeing the Angels comes only from the Gilchrist biography, written many years after Blake's death, which although excellent in its way does not, I think, have corroboration for this story from the Blake papers.
The location of the sighting (if there was one) is given as Peckham Rye (Dulwich Hill) which some have put closer to Warwick Gardens and not on the present-day Rye itself.  So this recognition of an event which we aren't sure happened was probably in the wrong place.
A Mexican artist appears to be involved. Now, I have no objection to Mexican artists in general of course, but I couldn't work out her relevance to this event.  So this mis-located celebration of an event for which we have no evidence that it ever happened, appeared somewhat unrelated to the original thing it celebrated.
So I didn't feel moved to go after all.


morganico.com said...

still , its a nice story... im carving a tree sculpture on pecknam rye and planning to add some William Blake-esque angelic features... im mORGANICo.cOM

morganico.com said...

still , its a nice story... im carving a tree sculpture on pecknam rye and planning to add some William Blake-esque angelic features... im mORGANICo.cOM