Sunday 26 February 2012

The Almost Unbreakable Play

So last night we went to see the new version of A Midsummer Night's Dream at the Lyric Theatre.  Designed and staged by Filter, it both dramatically messes up and is wholly faithful to the original.  With a mystery Bottom.

I would very, very much recommend that you buy, beg, borrow or steal tickets to go and see it.  Oh, and organise one for me too - I'd definitely go again.

Of course, AMND is pretty much proof against failure, so long as you have a bunch of actors and some kind of idea.  But this is remarkable and wonderful.

Michael Billington admired it in The Guardian too, but don't read his review - too many spoilers.  He also writes that  It may be a Dream best enjoyed by those who know the play backwards - which I think is  wrong, from the audience I saw.    Go, now, and see what you think

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