Monday 9 April 2012

National Trust Niggles

So, yesterday, to meet some old friends, we went to Chartwell.
Now I was quite taken by the house and gardens, and I learned lots about the Churchills that I didn't know before. 

But,  so much of the man's life was just glossed over and ignored by the National Trust exhibition.  It was a simple panegyric - all praise and light, no nuance, no shade.  And much the worse for it. 

They asked us to join, and I'm afraid (even if I'd wanted to), I just couldn't,  given the unashamed hero-worship of the presentation they offered.

So we never saw the whole person - the bad as well as the good.  So, much as I liked the house and gardens, I came away with something of a sour taste in my mouth about the NT.

Mind you, seeing freinds was good.

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