Sunday 10 November 2013

Tour: Which Romans?

As mentioned before, we also went to the Museum of Prehistory in Quinson on this tour.

Which seemed - at least at one point - to position the early Romans as a very late Iron Age tribe. Connecting them back to the broad sweep of prehistory.

We couldn't quite square this with the clever builders of the Pont and the Arena.  They seemed to be 'builders' in a more modern sense.

Perhaps this is more about how we partition up the ages of history (and prehistory) rather than anything else.  Change occurs throughout those periods and they bleed into each other. And different geographies will have different pasts, and can be very different, all at the same (historical) time.

And that we like to approach history as history. As Terry Jones pointed out in Barbarians, most of the time we remember the Romans and other peoples through simplified images and stories.


Ken Brown said...

But weren't those "early" Romans as far removed in time from those who built the Pont du Gard as the Gawaine poet was from those who built the Dreadnought?

Graham said...

Ken, you are quite right of course. That is part of what I meant. We call them all 'Romans' when in fact they changed a lot over time...