Monday 9 December 2019

Never Allow Them Access to Your Money

We now know that the global financial recession of 2007-9 was created by the exceptionally dodgy activities of a group of bankers who, in their greed, promoted high-risk, snake-oil products (‘collateralised debt obligations’) to make huge profits for their companies and massive bonuses for themselves.

Let’s suppose you knew of such a banker, say a managing director of a foreign investment bank at that time, that has been described by a US Senate committee as “a financial snake pit rife with greed, conflicts of interest and wrongdoing.”   This man was directly responsible for pushing some of the worst financial instruments that caused the crash.  And he’s never apologised.

I’m sure you’d agree that there are certain jobs which such a person should never be offered. 

No-one with an ounce of sense would give them a senior role with financial responsibility ever again, given their track record.

One such job is Chancellor of the Exchequer, responsible for our finances.

Step forward, Sajid Javid! The man who wants to play games with YOUR money.

PLEASE VOTE to Stop the Tories, for the sake of our economy.

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