Sunday 26 May 2024

Sung At The Event For Ken

 I've been drinking in the Ornithologists' Arms

Come with me, let's go there now
We'll drink to the revolution
We'll drink to the avian population
We'll drink and drink we'll talk and talk, we'll talk and drink some more
We'll drink and drink we'll talk and talk, we'll talk and drink some more
'Cos you can't save the birds without saving the planet
And you can't save the planet under capital
Under capital

We'll have a pint with the country postman
He'll talk of early morning owls
And of night-jars in the mist
And how his management take the piss
And singers and poets and all value freedom
Will talk of birds on the wing
And the songs of freedom that they sing
And the flight of the peregrine

I've been drinking in the Ornithologists' Arms
Come with me, let's go there now
We'll drink to the revolution
We'll drink to the avian population
We'll drink and drink we'll talk and talk, we'll talk and drink some more
We'll drink and drink we'll talk and talk, we'll talk and drink some more
'Cos you can't save the birds without saving the planet
And you can't save the planet under capital
Under capital

And the sign of the pub is a giant murmuration
It's starlings practising mutual aid
And on the bookshelf sits battered old Kropotkin
He was more than red in tooth and claw
And on the walls hang old binoculars 
That date from early in this age of extinction
Charts of sea levels rising
Charts of sea levels rising

I've been drinking in the Ornithologists' Arms
Come with me, let's go there now
We'll drink to the revolution
We'll drink to the avian population
We'll drink and drink we'll talk and talk, we'll talk and drink some more
We'll drink and drink we'll talk and talk, we'll talk and drink some more
'Cos you can't save the birds without saving the planet
And you can't save the planet under capital
Under capital

And the vagrants and the migrants are all equally welcome
Yes the vagrants and the migrants are all equally welcome
It's not like here, it's not like here
Yes the vagrants and the migrants are all equally welcome

I've been drinking in the Ornithologists' Arms
Come with me, let's go there now

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