Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Dr Who in Kensington

The press yesterday was full of pictures (on around page 5) of Daleks and Davros in the Royal Albert Hall. The BBC children's Prom had been taken over by Dr Who and his monsters.

Self indulgent? Certainly. But the last episode of the last series had been far worse on that count. Dumming down from the Blue Peter Proms of the last 9 years ( we were at many of them)? For sure.

But I did certainly enoy the Dalek on stage, the Ood and the Cybermen. And we had a special episode all to ourselves. Tate turned up without being in the programme (surprise!). Lightweight (and too much of Murray Gold's incidental music), and annoying - but fun all the same.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And an ungrateful piece of shit like you got to go?