Wednesday 3 June 2009



(So by the way, have you noticed how many scientists and technologists have started to preface descriptions of their work with 'so'? As in 'So we wanted to examine tastiness of semolina and used frogspawn as a control group' or whatever. It is turning into something of an epidemic. I wanted to blame this on Professor Denzil Dexter from The Fast Show but I checked and apparently not. So it is more recent - or they missed the trend).

So anyway, we had a look at the latest Microsoft announcement about the XBox Motion sensor - their "project Natal".


They seem to have reinvented the Theremin.

(Or that was my big joke until I had a look on YouTube and found this:

Sigh. And someone, somewhere, surely, is busily programming a Lego Mindstorms robot to play a Wii theremin.)

Its all too much.

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