Saturday, 27 June 2009

The Trees around Nunhead on Tour 15: Doune Castle

Doune is one of Scotland's many fine and well preserved castles.
We had a fun couple of hours wandering around, both inside and outside.

Doune also has another claim to fame....

Can you see what it is yet?

Imagine a Franche Accent....

No idea yet?

The inside doesn't really help (but it is quite stylish and well-preserved) ...

The floor is amazing.

But nothing to do with it, really, you silly English King. Your mother was a hamster...

... your father smelled of elderberries.

So there we have it. This is the castle from which the bizarre Franchman with the 'outrageous accent' insults King Arthur and his Knighuts in "Holy Grail". It also appears in other parts of the film, I gather.

The gift shop is - unsurprisingly - stuffed with appropriate gifts and frippery (eg "Holy Grale" beer), and I suspect they get loads of additional visitors because of the connection.

Otherwise, it really is quite a nice, well preserved old bit of history...

(The YouTube serch seems to have lots of videos of fans re-enacting bits of the film around the site... see previous post for the relevance of this).

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