Thursday, 4 February 2010

It must be a Meme

Tueday, I think, this week, I went to a conference. Quite hard work, it lasted all day. One thing I noticed though - and which kept me awake in the longeurs, were the intermittent references to, and quotations from, The HithchHikers Guide To The Galaxy.

So one speaker asked all of us 'carbon-based life forms' to settle down, while another one referred to his role as 'Vogon guard' (as in 'I'm just in it for the shouting'). I realised that quite a few people there must have stayed up late to catch the recent dire film, when it was broadcast on BBC3 a day or so earlier. And it had stuck in their minds. And they were relaxed about sharing. Lovely.

Of course, I switched it off after about half an hour (still couldn't take what they'd done to Marvin), and in any case I'd always preferred the radio series to every other manifestation. But actually, since they were mostly quoting stuff from the original scripts, what the hell. I enjoyed it anyway.

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