Saturday, 31 July 2010

The Devil's Punch Bowl

Once upon a time there was an old Victorian pub in Lewisham which boasted the sign "STOUT MILD ALE PORTER."  On weak days, I was never quite sure how to parse it... 
Something similar happened when I saw this sign by the National Trust restaurant:
A huge natural depression, a bowl in the land near Haslemere, around which the A3 currently curves dramatically (they're building a huge tunnel to avoid it).  I couldn't help but think that it would be easier to see the full extent of the Bowl in Winter. 
In which case we might have seen the full shape rather like this bronze relief near the cafe:-
As it is, we mostly saw Trees - no bad thing in itself of course...
This was a strange sight, of two mossy oaks that had fused as the grew.  The result semed semi-human, like some strange creature.
This was a strange an unexplained totem, again near the cafe.
And attentive readers will be correct - we didn't explore far enough.  We must go back.

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