Tuesday, 6 July 2010


So.  Sunday evening last to Peckham Rye, for an open air performance of The Tempest.  Marvellous.

The Festival Players.  25th Anniversary Year.  An all-male cast.  Very well done. 

But sitting by the cafe on the Rye, watching Trinculo, Caliban and Stephano act out their drunken buffoonery, I couldn't avoid thinking about the Irish Festival on the Rye that was just closing down on the field behind them after two days of revelry.  Police Cars and Ambulances.

Bad of me I know.  We were the middle-aged middle-classes sitting avuncularly, watching the rude players go through their paces.

But further, I couldn't avoid thinking that one of the actors reminded me of Zachary Quinto (otherwise known for playing Syler and more recently the young Spock). 

I couldn't avoid it...

Live Long and Prospero...

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