Saturday, 10 July 2010

Non-canonical cheese

This week's cheeses were distinctly non-canonical.  They don't appear in the sketch at all.  But I couldn't not be tempted by this delicious piece of dolcelatte.  A lovely strong-tasting Italian cheese.
At the same time, for associations with the Spanish tour and its sheer yummyness, I couldn't not buy a slice of the Picos de Europa.  Probably a cabrales but I couldn't tell from the wrapping or label.  A distinctive taste, different from the Italian cheese.
But, still, another 'azul queso', and also quite scrumptious.

Both of these cheeses came from the East Dulwich Deli. Today it seemed to be specialising in fancy cheeses that don't appear in mid-seventies cult comedies.

The bread in the pictures is a Kentish Flute from the same place, and equally tasty.

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