Friday, 1 January 2010


The reason we were in the Wirral on such a cold weekend, when the Met office were urging everyone not to travel, was Neil and Laura's wedding. The journey took a while, and we missed the ceremony itself, but arrived in time for the start of the reception. It began with these glorious balloons...
You lit the paraffin (?) block in the base and waited for the air in the paper balloon to warm enough to provide lift.
This could be a bit tricky - I needed help!
... And then the lift was suddenly there, and the air-filled bag, which had been ungainly and in danger of toppling over and setting alight, suddenly took off into the dusk.
They soared upwards, singly and in groups, floating over Oxton and Birkenhead.
A super symbol, and a fun way to begin the do.

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